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PMVA Training

PMVA training plays a critical role in various sectors by promoting the safety of staff and clients, preventing violence, equipping individuals with de-escalation skills, conducting risk assessments, addressing legal and ethical considerations, providing post-incident support, and enhancing confidence and competence in managing challenging situations. By investing in PMVA training, organizations can create safer and more supportive environments for all stakeholders.

Why PMVA Training Matters

The impact of violence and aggression on staff, clients, and the organization as a whole is far-reaching and multifaceted, encompassing physical, emotional, financial, and reputational dimensions. Addressing these impacts requires a comprehensive approach that prioritizes the safety and well-being of all stakeholders, fosters a culture of respect and accountability, and implements proactive measures to prevent and mitigate violence and aggression in the workplace.

Organizations have legal and ethical responsibilities to provide PMVA training to their staff to ensure compliance with health and safety legislation, workplace violence legislation, human rights legislation, regulatory standards, and ethical principles. By prioritizing the prevention and management of violence and aggression in the workplace, organizations can create a safer and more supportive environment for their employees and stakeholders.

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    Our Approach to PMVA Training

    By choosing NNTC, your organisation would be adopting a holistic and proactive approach to PMVA training, organizations can empower their staff with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to prevent and effectively manage situations involving violence and aggression, thereby promoting a culture of safety, respect, and professionalism.

    What Our PMVA Training Covers

    PMVA (Prevention and Management of Violence and Aggression) training covers a wide range of topics aimed at equipping individuals with the knowledge, skills, and strategies to prevent, de-escalate, and manage situations involving violence and aggression. The specific content of PMVA training may vary depending on the context, industry, and organizational needs, but typically includes the following key areas:

    female comforting another female

    Benefits of Our PMVA Training

    PMVA (Prevention and Management of Violence and Aggression) training offers numerous benefits for organizations, staff, and clients alike. Some of the key benefits include:

    Enhanced Staff Safety

    PMVA training equips staff with the knowledge, skills, and strategies to recognize, prevent, and manage violent and aggressive situations effectively, thereby reducing the risk of harm to themselves and others in the workplace.

    Enhanced Communication and De-escalation Skills

    PMVA training helps staff develop effective communication skills, including active listening, empathy, and assertiveness, which are essential for de-escalating conflicts, building rapport, and resolving disputes peacefully.

    Greater Confidence and Competence

    Through practical skills training and scenario-based exercises, PMVA training boosts staff confidence and competence in managing challenging situations, enabling them to respond calmly, decisively, and appropriately under pressure.

    Cost Savings

    Preventing incidents of violence and aggression through effective training can lead to significant cost savings for organizations by reducing expenses related to staff absenteeism, medical treatment, legal fees, insurance premiums, property damage, and compensation claims.

    Reduced Incidents of Violence and Aggression

    PMVA training empowers staff to identify early warning signs and triggers of aggression, implement preventive measures, and use de-escalation techniques to defuse potentially volatile situations before they escalate into violence, leading to fewer incidents overall.

    Legal and Ethical Compliance

    By providing staff with knowledge of relevant legislation, regulations, and organizational policies governing violence prevention and management, PMVA training ensures compliance with legal and ethical standards, reducing the organization’s liability and reputational risk.

    Positive Organizational Culture

    Investing in PMVA training demonstrates the organization’s commitment to employee safety, well-being, and professional development, fostering a positive and supportive workplace culture characterized by mutual respect, teamwork, and collaboration.

    Improved Staff Morale and Retention

    By prioritizing staff safety and providing opportunities for skill development and career advancement, PMVA training enhances staff morale, job satisfaction, and retention, reducing turnover rates and associated recruitment costs.

    Improved Client Safety and Well-being

    By promoting a culture of safety and respect, PMVA training helps create a safer environment for clients, patients, residents, or service users, enhancing their sense of security and well-being while accessing services or receiving care.

    Enhanced Reputation and Stakeholder Confidence

    A commitment to staff and client safety, evidenced by PMVA training initiatives, enhances the organization’s reputation as a responsible and trustworthy service provider, building confidence and trust among clients, stakeholders, and the community.

    Overall, PMVA training delivers a wide range of benefits that contribute to a safer, more respectful, and more effective working environment for staff and clients alike, while also protecting the organization’s interests and promoting its long-term success.

    To help make the work environment a safer place for service users and staff.
    To enable participants to develop knowledge and skills in the prevention of violence and aggression and the management of challenging behaviour.
    To provide training for participants that assists them to place physical intervention in its correct context.
    To give participants the knowledge and confidence required to work with vulnerable groups.
    To develop a culture with an explicit commitment to the reduction of all restrictive practises.
    To establish a person centred and rights-based approach that underpins all aspects of service provision.
    To recognise negative cultures that can exist within work settings in the context of duty of candour and whistle blowing.
    To develop awareness of the needs of service users and reasons for behaviour both prior to, and during episodes of crisis.
    To recognise the factors that trigger conflict, aggression and violence and have strategies that provide a consistent response.
    To understand how attitudes or concerning behaviours can impact directly on responses to the people being supported.
    To recognise signs and symptoms of aggression.
    To develop a range of de-escalation techniques to alleviate the situation and prevent behaviours from escalating.
    To promote a team working approach in responding to the needs of service users.
    To develop skills and awareness in relation to restoring the environment, post-incident support and recovery.
    Identify current legislation and procedural frameworks.
    Utilise a range of safe and effective holding and self-protection techniques.
    Identify the risk factors including trauma that may arise from the application of restrictive interventions.
    Other Information
    Duration 2 – 3 Days
    Face to Face Training maximum number of delegates 12
    This is a RRN Approved course and complies with CQC standards and fits OFSTED requirements and is BiLD Endorsed.
    Candidates will receive an endorsed certificate after passing this course.
    No Public Courses available


    What are the pre-requisites for the course?


    Is there a reduction in fees for charitable organisations?


    What is the Maximum Number of Delegates allowed on the course?


    Would your trainer travel to us?


    What materials will I receive from the course?

    A handout is available on request

    Do you run public courses for an individual to attend?


    Do you have to be physically fit to attend this course?

    No – the physicality is minimal

    What should delegates wear for the course?

    Comfortable clothing. We do not insist that delegates wear tracksuit and trainers but to wear the clothes they carry out their duties in providing it’s not a tight skirt and high heels!