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De-escalation Training in the UK


    • Effective de-escalation techniques play a crucial role in preventing conflicts and promoting safety in various settings in the public, private or voluntary settings.Overall, effective de-escalation techniques are essential for maintaining safety, promoting positive interactions, and preventing conflicts from escalating into violence or harm. By emphasizing empathy, communication, and collaboration, individuals can create environments where conflicts are resolved peacefully and respectfully.

Why De-escalation Training Matters

    • Discuss the impact of escalated situations on workplace safety and productivity.
    • Outline statistics or examples relevant to the UK to emphasize the need for de-escalation training.

NNTC Recent De-escalation Training Clients



Keighley / Harrogate / Leeds & Barnsley Colleges


Huddersfield Mission

Ashbourne GP Practice

Across the half-day or full-day workshop, staff will be given skills and strategies for managing challenging situations of violence and aggression in a safe ethical and professional manner.
Identify some of the causes and triggers to conflict situations
Explore the use of dynamic risk assessment in recognising the early warning signals of impending aggressive behaviour
Explore the use of positive communication skills in managing conflict
Explore the use of assertive techniques in being able to challenge inappropriate behaviour and gain compliance with your requests
Discussing specific scenarios and Identifying a range of skills used to calm angry people
Explore your own reaction to conflict and learn how to remain in control in the face of aggressive or challenging behaviour
Discuss the importance of reporting all incidents of aggression and violence including near misses
Other Information
Duration 3 Hours – 1 Day
Accreditation is available through OCN Credit4Learning 
Face to Face Training maximum number of delegates 12
Virtual Training maximum number of delegates 12
Public Courses Not available

Benefits of NNTC De-escalation Training

    • Improved safety for employees and clients/customers
    • Reduction in workplace conflicts and incidents
    • Enhanced communication skills for handling challenging interactions
    • Compliance with UK regulations on workplace safety

Why Choose NNTC for De-escalation Training?

    • The NNTC De-escalation Trainers have experience in delivering this training to a wide variety of clients either face to face or virtually
      ranging from 5 – 25 years
    • All our De-escalation Training Courses are tailored to suit the needs of our clients
    • Testimonials from recent clients can be provided on request.


● What are the pre-requisites for the course?


● What materials will I receive from the course?

  • A handout is available on request


● Is there a reduction in fees for charitable organisations?


● Do you run public courses for an individual to attend?


● What is the Maximum Number of Delegates allowed on the course?


● Do you have to be physically fit to attend this course?

  • No – the physicality is minimal and optional.


● Would your trainer travel to us?


● Will we get to discuss aspects of the course?

  • Yes, the course is fully interactive.


● Is there role play on the course?

  • Only if requested.  We want all our delegates to feel safe on the course.

● Is the course tailored to our industry?

  • Yes, all our courses are tailored to suit your requirements and time constraints and will reflect the values of your organisation.


● Is there an option for the course to be delivered virtually?

  • Yes, but this option will not include breakaway techniques
