What a fantastic session! (Breakaway Instructor)The trainer delivered in a very positive and enthusiastic way enabling all participants to join in. Her delivery style is excellent for the subject, making it informative, relevant and engaging.hello

Chellie Stevenson
The Kirkwood Centre'It (virtual Violence and Aggression De-escalation training) really worked well, we went through Powerpoints but also discussed it and listened to scenarios – it was good that we all could add comments in the chatbox and all the questions got answered. It was very good to know so many triggers that we wouldn’t think would escalate a situation. I got a lot of information from it, in such a small amount of time and would recommend it to anyone dealing with the public. It was very clear, well-planned and very precise.

Social Worker
Powys County CouncilDesignationThe training provided comprehensive information which was especially useful to people new to Lone Working or as a refresher for those who had already attended Lone Working training previously. It included useful tips on safety. The PET technique for risk assessments was helpful, as was the suggested language to use to positively rephrase negative statements. The violence de-escalation part was also particularly interesting and we learned how to react in this situation

Practice Link Worker
Oxfordshire NHSI work in the Justice L&D department of Ingeus and this training (breakaway Instructor) is something which I feel is very important for our staff who will be working face to face with service users. The training will give the staff more knowledge and confidence during interactions.This was an excellent course to attend. The delivery was well paced and the content very informative and relevant to my job role.

Chris Brown Ingeus
Ingeus LtdJust wanted to thank you for coming down and running he course (De-escalation) for us, it was such an enjoyable course with some fantastic learning opportunities for all that attended. All the feedback from those who attended was so positive and has given us food for thought in terms of the next steps.