a male and female talking behind another mans back

Bullying and Harassment Awareness Training

Bullying and harassment has extended from the playground to the workplace, making the lives of many workers intolerable. It is unpleasant and offensive and can affect an individual’s professional performance and targets of bullying stand to lose their self-esteem, their mental wellbeing, and their health.  It can be so destructive that the effects continue after work, devastating personal lives as well as careers.  Workplace bullying often remains a hidden problem being accepted or even encouraged by organisational culture.  Organisations that do not endeavour to prevent or put an end to this behaviour lose productivity, profits, and their good reputations.

Bullying and Harassment Awareness Training

Bullying and Harassment Training For Staff
Bullying and Harassment Training For Managers

All our bullying and harassment awareness training courses are run in an interactive student-centred style with all assurances given to create a safe learning environment. Wherever possible the delegates attention will be directed towards the organisations bullying and harassment policies, this will ensure anyone attending is fully aware of their roles and responsibilities towards creating a safe working environment free from all forms of bullying and harassment. Please note all our courses are tailored free of charge to your requirements so may vary slightly from the stated aims and outcomes and are run in-house only.

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    NNTC Recent Bullying & Harassment Training Clients

    Black Cube

    Diocese of Leicester


    The Effects of Bullying & Harassment on The Workplace

    Bullying and harassment can have profound and detrimental effects on both individuals and the workplace as a whole. such as:

    Individual Psychological Effects:

    1. Emotional Distress: Victims of bullying and harassment often experience a range of negative emotions including anxiety, fear, depression, and low self-esteem.
    2. Physical Health Issues: Chronic stress resulting from bullying can lead to various physical health problems such as headaches, stomach-aches, insomnia, and even cardiovascular issues.
    3. Mental Health Disorders: Prolonged exposure to bullying can contribute to the development of mental health disorders like PTSD, adjustment disorders, or depression.
    4. Self-Harm and Suicidal Behaviour: In extreme cases, individuals who are bullied may resort to self-harm or suicidal thoughts as a coping mechanism.

    Workplace Dynamics:

    1. Decreased Productivity: Bullying and harassment create a toxic work environment where victims may struggle to focus on their tasks, leading to decreased productivity and efficiency.
    2. Increased Turnover: Employees who experience bullying or harassment may choose to leave the organization, resulting in higher turnover rates and associated recruitment and training costs.
    3. Damaged Reputation: Organizations that allow bullying and harassment to persist risk damaging their reputation both internally and externally, leading to difficulties in attracting and retaining top talent.
    4. Legal Consequences: Failure to address bullying and harassment can result in legal liabilities for the organization, including lawsuits, fines, and damage to the brand’s image.

    Organizational Culture:

    1. Erosion of Trust: Bullying and harassment undermine trust among employees, eroding morale and cohesion within the organization.
    2. Negative Impact on Diversity and Inclusion: Workplace bullying can create a hostile environment that discourages diversity and inclusion efforts, leading to a less diverse and innovative workforce.
    3. Inhibited Communication: Fear of retaliation or further harassment may prevent employees from speaking up about important issues or contributing their ideas, stifling innovation, and creativity.
    4. Loss of Talent: Talented employees may choose to leave the organization if they perceive it as a toxic or unsupportive environment, resulting in a loss of valuable skills and knowledge.

    Overall, the serious impact of bullying and harassment on individuals and the workplace cannot be overstated. It not only harms the well-being of employees but also undermines organizational success and effectiveness. Therefore, it’s crucial for organizations to take proactive measures to prevent and address bullying and harassment in all forms.

    In the UK, organisations have legal and ethical responsibilities to prevent and address various behaviours, particularly those related to discrimination, harassment, and misconduct. These responsibilities are outlined in various laws, regulations, and ethical guidelines. Here are some key legal and ethical responsibilities:

    Equality Act 2010: This legislation prohibits discrimination, harassment, and victimization based on protected characteristics such as age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation. Organizations are legally obliged to ensure equal treatment and opportunities for all employees and stakeholders.

    Health and Safety at Work Act 1974: Employers have a legal duty to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of their employees at work. This includes providing a safe working environment free from harassment, bullying, and other forms of misconduct that could impact employees’ physical or mental health.

    Employment Rights Act 1996: This legislation outlines various rights and responsibilities of both employers and employees, including the right to work in a safe and respectful environment free from discrimination and harassment.

    Data Protection Act 2018: Organizations have a legal obligation to process personal data lawfully, fairly, and transparently. This includes ensuring that personal data is not used in a discriminatory or unethical manner and taking appropriate measures to protect individuals’ privacy rights.

    Human Rights Act 1998: This legislation incorporates the European Convention on Human Rights into UK law and protects individuals’ fundamental rights and freedoms, including the right to respect for private and family life, freedom from discrimination, and freedom of expression.

    Ethical Codes of Conduct: Many organisations have their own codes of conduct or ethical guidelines that outline expected behaviours and standards of conduct for employees. These codes often emphasise the importance of treating others with dignity and respect and prohibit discrimination, harassment, and other forms of misconduct.

    Employment Policies and Procedures: Organizations should have clear policies and procedures in place to prevent and address discriminatory behaviour, harassment, bullying, and other forms of misconduct in the workplace. These policies should outline the steps for reporting incidents, investigating complaints, and taking appropriate disciplinary action against perpetrators.

    Employment Policies and Procedures: Organizations should have clear policies and procedures in place to prevent and address discriminatory behaviour, harassment, bullying, and other forms of misconduct in the workplace. These policies should outline the steps for reporting incidents, investigating complaints, and taking appropriate disciplinary action against perpetrators.

    Overall, organisations in the UK have a legal and ethical duty to foster inclusive, respectful, and safe work environments where all individuals are treated fairly and with dignity. Failure to meet these responsibilities can result in legal consequences, damage to reputation, and negative impacts on employee morale and productivity. Therefore, it is crucial for organisations to prioritise efforts to prevent and address discriminatory behaviour, harassment, and misconduct effectively.

    The aim of this course is to raise awareness and to empower delegates to recognise questionable behaviour that could lead to bullying and harassment.  All employees have the right to feel safe valued and respected at work, this course will challenge any workplace that denies this right.
    Defining workplace bullying and harassment
    Understanding the protective characteristics that are legislated against in the UK
    Recognising the behaviours that can lead to bullying and harassment at work
    Recognising the difference between bullying and banter
    Recognising the difference between strong management and bullying
    Understanding the different types of bully and why people bully
    Exploring the effects of bullying and harassment on the individual the bully and the organisation
    Identify the legislation relating to harassment at work and the implications for themselves
    Know what to do if you think you are being bullied or harassed
    Discuss how to request the behaviour to stop
    State how to report incidents of harassment
    Other Information
    Duration Staff – 2 Hours, Managers – 3 Hours
    Please note we do not run public courses 
    Maximum number of delegates 20